047 564 1207/8 ERF 257 Main Street, Port St Johns, 5120

Corporate Services

Cllr. Khanyisa Bikiza: Portfolio Head - Corporate Services/ Planning, Research, IGR

The department is responsible for administrative support services of the municipality including administration, human resources, and document management. In addition to oversight of the central administrative functions of the municipality, it also provides secretarial services and guidance to the council and other governance structures of the municipality.



Council Support Services

Provision of support services to the Council and its Committee

Administrative Services

Administrative & Information Technology Support Services Manage Information Technology Infrastructure Render general office services Manage records of the municipality Render customer services to internal and external clients

Human Resources Management

Provision of HRM and Development Services Facilitate Recruitment, Selection and Induction of employees Facilitate Training and Development for employees and councillors Facilitate employee benefits and compensation management Ensure Employee Wellness and Safety Re-align Organogram and Job Description